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 How do you feel about your voice?
Do you love it?
Hate it?
Hide or overuse it?

Discover your authentic voice and communicate more freely from your heart....

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Free Video Course

Learn more about how Voice Coaching can help you to feel more confident in all areas of life

Welcome, I imagine that you’re here because…


You'd love to sing, present to an audience or speak to people effectively and freely but you feel anxious about how you sound or about the expectations that others have of you.

You'd love to respond rather than react and enjoy more connection with the people in your life. Fear, self-doubt, comparison and expectations all get in the way, but intimacy with your voice helps you to let go of what is not and express what is from the heart. 

You'd like to have more focus and clarity in how you communicate in your personal and professional relationships. You'd love to discover your authentic voice and feel empowered to use it as well as empowering others. To be the awesome leader you are.


You would like to feel confident to express yourself and heal the buried emotions that cause you to distrust and not commit to relationships. Reconnecting to the intimacy of your own voice and surrendering more to your whole body instrument brings presence in expression and understanding.   


Do you sometimes feel tense, anxious or stressed when you use your voice professionally? Do you turn to jelly when you sing, give presentations or even when you simply socialise or go on a date?
Why is it that we can feel so insecure about our voices?

Voice coaching aims to put an end to vocal insecurity and with it, allow your expression to freely and joyfully contribute to the world around you as only you can.

Confidence is innate when we truly connect with our authentic voice and bring ourselves fully into our expression.  


So what is your authentic voice?

Your authentic voice isn't that which reacts to different situations or interactions in calculation, protection, justification and judgement. 

But it is your unique essence expressed through your voice and your whole body from the innermost of your being. This voice feels true, purposeful and wise. Think of it like the voice that comes from the eye of the hurricane of distractions. An empowered space from which to express yourself.

Sometimes your voice feels 'small,' held back or unheard due to feeling insecure. Voice coaching equips you with the techniques that will bring a more embodied and therefore powerful heart-led authority into the way you express yourself. (Authority here has nothing to do with controlling command but everything to do with understanding and discernment and then speaking the truth gently, without judgement or apology.)

In a nutshell, you learn to respond to life rather than react to it. 

If you'd like to use your voice in steadiness and readiness, enjoy more focus and harmony in your expression, however you use your voice. If you would like to feel more empowered to speak up and free the constraints of your voice (for those challenging conflictive or nerve-wracking situations), voice coaching can support you.

Are you curious to discover your authentic, unique and heart-impulsed voice?

Will you let anxiety or fear or holding back get  the better of you?

Get ready to open ‘Pandora’s Box’.....


However you use it, I will help you to rediscover the authentic and powerful voice that is waiting to be unleashed, so you can use it with confidence. No comparison, critique, holding back, fear of failure or self-doubt can stop you from expressing your amazing voice!

Watch this short video where I introduce myself and explain how you can discover your empowered voice.


Energy Healing Voice Power
in all areas of life

Did you know that your voice has the power to heal?

And this is where it gets super interesting!

Because I think you'll agree that the way we express ourselves has the potential to impact other people positively or negatively. Our moods, triggers and reactions are energy and can be felt by others, causing similar reactions in them.

So could it be that our voices can harm, and inversely, heal?

The vocal techniques that singers practice are a healthy activity in themselves. Breathing techniques can improve your circulation, posture, and help you feel more vital, focused and able to handle anxiety and stress. Connecting with your diaphragm when breathing, for example, helps you to stay steady and confident when delivering a speech or when singing. 
Connecting with your body through voice exercises also helps you to focus and stay present which helps in so many other areas of your life. I'll also add that singing feels joyful and helps you to free tension from the body.

But there's more...

Before you think to even utter a sound, you are 'in' a certain energetic state. When you feel angry your voice doesn't transmit the same vibration as when you feel joyful. 

This may sound obvious, but we listen to and sing along to songs that are sad or angry often. We watch TV and take on the dramas, adding extra emotions to what we are already dealing with in our lives.  We lead busy demanding lives with financial worries and a whole load of hoops to jump through and often take on other people's problems. It's no wonder that we end up reacting to the proverbial 'straw that breaks the camel's back' and then, on top of that, feeling guilty and horrified about the way we have expressed ourselves.  

There is nothing wrong with having emotions, but taking more on than we should or not letting go of buried emotions will affect how we communicate and this can be detrimental to our health.

The coaching part of my work is about discerning which situations or interactions cause a reaction and how you can respond from your wisdom and understanding to improve your relationships, whether they are with  people at work, audiences, or family and partners.

An example: In a certain relationship you are continually triggered due to an old childhood wound of being blamed for things. You react by going into justification and protection and the other person reacts to your defense. If you are able to observe what is going on in your body at that moment and understand where the reaction is coming from, it can be released from your body rather than being further buried ready to spring up at another occasion.

Any effort or trying not to react or being hard on yourself for reacting is just another reaction to the initial reaction. It just doesn't work out.


And this is where the voice can heal because reconnecting to your voice consistently brings more presence and awareness to your communication. The reactions become less and less as your true voice comes to the fore.

This reconnection is a fitness of consistency. I take you through specific exercises that build an intimate connection with your body, breath and voice.


You will be on the front foot and prepared to use your authentic and empowered voice.

Here are some of the things that get in the way of an empowered voice:


The need to sound better (comparing your voice which leads to copy)

The need to control your voice 

The need for a specific outcome in communication, for example, the need for someone to get something.

Manipulation of what 'you' want out of a conversation.

Trying to impress others (heavily judge yourself if you say something you deem is 'stupid')

Letting go of conditions and need and building a new relationship with your voice and whole body instrument, it becomes clear that there is a grand opportunity to use your daily interactions with colleagues, partners, friends or family, to be present and observe where your voice is coming from - and that's when you begin to respond with the awareness of its vibration.

Can you imagine how your steady, gentle yet powerfully authoritative voice will impact your surroundings? In your business, your career, in your family or any of your relationships?


Your voice has the power to both heal and harm. The sound of your voice is heard by the ears but the vibrations of your voice are also felt in the body. 

Observing the way you use your voice allows you to become more aware of the true effect of the energy that your expression is aligned to and thereafter supports you in understanding yourself and those around you. This is key to effective communication in all relationships, whether it be on stage, in your team or with your family.


A body may feel anxiety, but if your authentic voice is ready, you can bring it from a space within you that is free of anxiety.
A body can feel emotional and express these or withdraw into protection and zero transparency. The authentic voice comes from space of transparency, honesty and an openness to be real that has already been felt to be true.

A body may feel the insecurity imposed on it and communicate the fear, but the authentic empowered voice comes from a space of presence and confidence.

Your authentic voice is already there within you waiting for you to discover it. Let's reveal the true delicate power of your authentic empowered voice so you can walk tall in all of your relationships and truly love your voice!

Image by Julia Wallin

Delicate & powerful?

Your voice is like a rose - your vocal cords are like delicate petals with a vibrant and powerful sensorial expression!

Your authentic and confident voice is found when you reconnect to your whole body. I always add a reconnection meditation to my sessions so that you can connect with the delicate rose of your voice. 

Click here to get the free video series "Discovering your True Voice ."

Enjoy these 3 videos;

Video #1 inspires COURAGE - Be brave and take the first step to claim your true voice, Video#2 Tap into your innate CONFIDENCE by letting go of all that self-critique

Video#3 Finally, we look at CONNECTION and how your voice can heal and enrich all of your relationships, as well as the one you have with yourself!


Discover your true heart-led voice - Be brave and release your inner strength.



How to feel confident about your voice and free it from the clutches of the 3 C’s - conditions, critique and control.



Holistic wellness, authentic relationships, commitment to yourself, presence and focus - Connection to the whole body instrument is a healing attunement that becomes a way of living!

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